1964 national Eurovision finals

Entrants in the 1964 the Eurovision Song Contest who appear in the Six on Stage database. This includes songwriters, jury members, hosts, spokespeople and performers from Eurovision. Only national final lead artists and writers are listed.

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EntryNamed artists
Sangen om dig by Bjørn Tidmand
Shangri-la by Dario Campeotto
Ugler i mosen by Gustav Winckler & Grethe Sønck
Vi taler samme sprog by Raquel Rastenni
Laiskotellen by Lasse Mårtenson
Man Gewöhnt Sich So Schnell An Das Schöne by Nora Nova
Che me ne importa a me by Domenico Modugno
L'ultimo tram by Frida Boccara
Non ho l'età by Gigliola Cinquetti
Piccolo piccolo by Emilio Pericoli
Una lacrima sul viso by Bobby Solo
God gammel firkantet vals by Wenche Myhre
Hvor by Inger Jacobsen
Ingen sol finner vei (til min gate) by Inger Jacobsen
La meg være ung by Wenche Myhre
La meg værre ung by Odd Børre & The Cannons
Spiral by Arne Bendiksen
Amar é ressurgir by Simone de Oliveira
Balada das palavras perdidas by Madalena Iglésias
Na tua carta by Madalena Iglésias
Olhos nós olhos by Simone de Oliveira
Oração by António Calvário
Para cantar Portugal by António Calvário
I Miei Pensieri by Anita Traversi
Mandolino by Anita Traversi
Tragom zvezda by Lola Novaković
Zivot Je Sklopio Krug by Sabahudin Kurt
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